What is the difference between work and energy

Difference between work and energy-Simple Examples

work is the action of applying force to move an object, while energy is the capacity to do that work. Consider a simple example of lifting a book against gravity. Work and energy involved are listed below:

  • Work: When you lift the book against gravity, you do work. Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to move an object.
  • Energy: Lifting the book gives it potential energy, which is the capacity to do work. The potential energy gained is associated with the book’s elevated position.
DefinitionWork is the transfer of energy through motion.Energy is the capacity to do work.
FormulaW=F⃗⋅d⃗⋅cos⁡(θ)No specific formula for energy.
UnitsJoules (J)Joules (J)
TypeScalar quantityScalar quantity
ExamplesLifting a bookThe book on the shelf has gravitational potential energy.
ScenarioWork ExampleEnergy Example
Lifting a BackpackCarrying a backpack up a flight of stairs.Potential energy in the backpack due to its elevated position.
Riding a BicyclePedaling a bicycle against friction and air resistance.Kinetic energy of the moving bicycle and rider.
Swinging on a SwingPumping your legs to swing higher.Potential energy at the highest point of the swing.
Turning on a Light SwitchFlicking a light switch to turn on a light.Electrical energy powering the light bulb.
Throwing a BallTossing a ball into the air.Kinetic energy as the ball moves through the air.
Charging a PhonePlugging in a phone to charge.Electrical potential energy stored in the phone’s battery.
Raising a Garage DoorOpening a garage door manually.Potential energy in the raised garage door.
Boiling Water on a StoveHeating water in a pot on the stove.Thermal energy in the heated water.
Using a Wind-up ToyWinding up a spring in a wind-up toy.Elastic potential energy in the wound-up spring.
Riding an EscalatorGoing up an escalator.Potential energy gain as you move upward.
Climbing a StaircaseWalking up a flight of stairs.Potential energy increase with higher elevation.
Author: U Javaid